Build Genuine Self-Esteem to discover the Authentic you

Welcome to the Be Brilliant CBT Building Self-Esteem Coaching Course information page.

  • What is self-esteem?
  • Is this CBT course for me?
  • What will I learn?
  • What benefits may I gain from attending this course?
  • How do I apply and attend the course?

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the value we place on oneself, the opinions we have of oneself and how we view oneself as a person. We will experience self-esteem issues known as low self-esteem if we have overly negative opinion of ourselves, or we judge ourselves in a negative way or we place negative value on ourselves as a person.

Everyone thinks harsh and negative words about themselves sometimes, but when we have low self-esteem we often think these negative thoughts and we believe them to be true. This can have detrimental effects on our relationships, our career prospects, our wellbeing and our mental health.

Is this course for me?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack confidence in yourself or your abilities?
  • Are you overly self-critical or self-blaming?
  • Do you dislike yourself or wish you were different?
  • Do you often have thoughts such as you are not good enough, unlovable, inferior, weak, stupid, ugly, incompetent, a failure, a loser, useless?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions this course is for you.

What will I learn?

The course is split into 6 sessions:

Session one you will learn what it means to have low self-esteem, you will understand how you developed low self-esteem and how your low self-esteem is kept going.

Session two you will begin to improve your self-esteem by learning how to challenge your overly negative thinking in situations and how to react differently.

Session three you will continue to improve your self-esteem by learning how to challenge your overly negative self-critical voice.

Session four you will learn how to build positive and healthy self-esteem by acknowledging qualities, skills, talents and doing activities you enjoy.

Session five you will learn how to adjust the rules and deep routed self-beliefs, which kept your low self-esteem going (identified in session one).

Session six you will learn how to continue building and maintaining healthy self-esteem by pulling together everything you have learnt over the course and creating a plan for the future.

What benefits may I gain from building my self-esteem?

Improve your relationships: Health self-esteem allows us to be more confident with other people. When we feel more comfortable being ourselves, we can let go of our worries of what others think of us. We can become more open and honest with those around us.

Increase happiness and have less stress: Healthy self-esteem allows us to acknowledge what we are doing well and helps us to see the positives in our lives. We can learn how manage our overly negative thoughts, which keep both our mood and confidence low. Being positive and optimistic has been proven to increase well-being and helps us to better manage stress.

Go for the career you want: Healthy self-esteem gives us the confidence to believe in our abilities and competencies. Self-confidence helps us to focus on what we can do instead of what we can’t.

Accept your body: Healthy self-esteem allows us to accept our appearance and to appreciate what we like about ourselves, instead of over emphasising our flaws. We are more likely to self-care once we learn how to be nurturing to ourselves instead of self-critical.

How do I apply and attend the course?

Please email with your interest in attending the self-esteem course.

You will then be booked in for your free 30 minute telephone consultation with your coach to understand your aims for coaching and to ensure this course best suits your needs.

You will then book your first coaching session at a time that is suitable for both you and your coach. There are evenings and weekend sessions available. You can chose your preference of in person sessions, telephone or video sessions. Five further sessions will be agreed at a mutually agreed time and frequency.  This 6 session course costs £450 and is payable at the first session.

Get in touch. You have come this far, email now to book your free no obligation telephone consultation. For more information on our lovely central Edinburgh location click here.